Luxury Men’s Chest and Back Cleanse and Scrub Treatment is done all by hand. 

Treatment Includes

    • Steam  
    • Deep Double Cleanse depending on clients’ skins requirements. 
    • Exfoliation Scrub  
    • Extraction (if required)  
    • Tone 
    • Mask depending on client’s skins requirements. 
    • Vitamin C, Vitamin A or Collagen Serum (face only) 
    • Hydrating body moisturiser  
    • SPF 

Before Booking Your Service

Download the consultation form and fill it. Then attach the file below.

We politely request a 50% deposit for all treatments £25 and above to secure your booking.

• I, the undersigned, consent to the use of my pictures and videos taken at Milliner &
Joseph before and after BB Glow for training purposes, marketing and social media
networking. I understand that I will not be entitle to receive any payment for the use
of my pictures or videos pursuant to this declaration of content.

• My signature below acknowledges that I have read and understood the content of this
consent document. I have been given ample opportunity to ask questions, all of which
have been answered in a satisfactory manner.
• I understand that the results vary from
person to person and no guarantee, neither expressed nor implied has been given to
me regarding my results. I am aware of the complications, risks and benefits of this
cosmetic treatment that is not critical to my health.

• I understand and accept that failure to follow the post-procedure instructions above
may result in a damaged skin and will need more microneedling sessions.

• Of my free will, I am requesting and providing my written consent to undergo a BB
Glow Treatment at Milliner & Joseph. I assume all the risks as my own and agree to
hold harmless Milliner & Joseph.
Please tick the relevant boxes if you give us permission to take photographs of your finished look.
£ 0.00